Why Should You Consider Combining a Breast Lift With Breast Reduction Surgery?

While our society tends to think that larger breasts are better, when women have naturally overly large breasts, they can suffer from numerous frustrations, including pain and discomfort (in the back and shoulders from the weight of the breasts) as well as skin irritation from the breasts rubbing against the skin. The good news is that breast reduction surgery is an effective and trusted surgical procedure that can lighten the weight of large and troublesome breasts. However, there is a slight downside to breast reduction surgery, and that is the fact that breast reduction does not correct any sagging that the breasts experience. But, by combining a breast lift with your breast reduction, it can give you the transformed appearance and feel that you’ve always desired.

What Does a Breast Lift Do?

As the name suggests, breast lift surgery (mastopexy) raises the position of the breasts to a higher and perkier level. This allows you to enjoy a more youthful appearance. And, by combining your breast lift with your reduction surgery, you’ll be able to enjoy the activities you love but never could enjoy before, such as sports (both recreational and competitive).

How Is a Breast Lift Performed?

One of the most important parts of your breast lift surgery (as is the case with any cosmetic procedure) is your consultation. At your breast lift consultation, you’ll be able to share your concerns and frustrations about your breasts, and Dr. D’Souza will be able to evaluate your condition to determine if you are a candidate for mastopexy. Once this is confirmed, Dr. D’Souza will decide which incision type is best for you:

  • Donut incision, where the incision is made around the edge of the areola
  • Lollipop incision, which requires an incision around the areola and an additional incision made in the lower pole of the breast
  • Anchor incision, which uses a lollipop incision but includes an incision along the lower breast crease

For your procedure, Dr. D’Souza will make the required incision and then remove and/or reposition any breast tissue with the aid of internal sutures. The goal is to lift the sagging breast tissue and keep it at a higher and more youthful position.

What Are the Benefits of Combining Procedures?

While many women choose to have their breast reduction as a standalone procedure, the reality is that reduction surgery will only minimize the size of the breasts. It does not lift it to a higher level. So, while you will have more manageable breasts, they will not look as flattering as you’d probably like. However, the breast lift can correct that.

Additionally, by combining procedures, you can save on overall cost and recovery time. Since you are having the procedures at the same time, you will only need to pay for certain costs (like the surgeon’s fee and anesthesia) once, as opposed to twice, if you were to have these procedures performed separately. And you will be recovering from them both at the same time.

Regardless of whether you choose to combine procedures or have them as individual surgeries, you can trust Dr. D’Souza and the staff at Iconic Plastic Surgery to give you the quality results you’ve been looking for.

Call Iconic Plastic Surgery today at 760-637-5288  to learn more about migraine surgery or to schedule your consultation or fill out our online contact form.