Why Should I Get a Chin Implant?

A face should appear in harmony, with nothing out of place. When this happens, though, plastic surgery can be your answer. Chin augmentation can help give you a more fluid and natural facial appearance. If you are experiencing an unbalanced facial structure, a double chin, or a recessed or underdeveloped chin, then chin implants may be the procedure you are looking for. At Iconic Plastic Surgery, we can handle these insecurities and provide you with a more harmonious facial appearance.

Balance the Facial Structure

The balance between the chin, lips, and nose is a key factor when it comes to a beautiful facial appearance. Oftentimes, the nose can appear too large, or the lips may seem too small for the face. Chin augmentation with implants allows for the chin to be just the right shape and size to add the correct symmetry to the whole face. Patients can also undergo facelift surgery, rhinoplasty, or dermal fillers for complete facial enhancement.

Strengthen a Recessed or Underdeveloped Chin

Did you know that there is such thing as an “ideal face”? It’s so odd to say, but there is. The ideal face should have an upper lip that is about 2 or 3 mm in front of the lower lip. The side profile will look proportionate with the nose, lips, and chin. If the chin does not jut out far enough, then the profile can look odd. Chin implants can help put your chin in the proper position on your face so you can look great from all angles.

Fix a Double Chin

Chin implant surgery can improve the appearance of a double chin, as the skin is tightened in the jawline area once the implant is in place. The implant is sculpted to fit the shape of your chin bone and is then placed around the bone to enhance the entire chin area. Chin augmentation creates more projection and definition in the face, which will allow you to feel more comfortable and confident with your facial aesthetic.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. D’Souza at Iconic Plastic Surgery to find out if you are a candidate for chin implants.

For more information about chin implants or to schedule your consultation, please contact Iconic Plastic Surgery by calling 760-637-5288 or filling out our online contact form today!