Why Is Now the Best Time for Your Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation®?

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular and transformative procedures for women. The reality is that many women feel self-conscious about the small size of their breasts, especially when they see so many women around them with large, voluminous chests. Breast augmentation uses either silicone or saline breast implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts so that women can feel better about themselves and their bodies.

Whether you want to turn heads on the beach as you wear that revealing bikini top or you simply want to wear shirts and dresses that you never quite had the full figure for, breast augmentation surgery can help. However, for many women, a surgical procedure like breast augmentation can cause them to feel nervous, especially with the recovery time needed after the invasive surgery. However, with the revolutionary Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation® technique that Dr. D’Souza offers at Iconic Plastic Surgery, you don’t have to worry about an extensive recovery period with significant downtime. This means that you can get back to enjoying your life (only now you’ll have the breasts you’ve always wanted).

What Is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation®?

Like mentioned above, breast augmentation can be a joyous experience, but the recovery time can sometimes be one that you dread. With Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation®, we try to cause as little bleeding as possible as that is what creates much of the discomfort that women experience after their procedure. While your Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation® is performed the same as a traditional breast augmentation, this technique minimizes bleeding during and after the surgery. To achieve this, Dr. D’Souza cauterizes the blood vessels around the muscles and ribs while performing the procedure. This results in a shorter recovery period to allow you the chance to enjoy your fuller, more shapely breasts sooner than you would with traditional augmentation surgery.

There’s Still Time to Show Off Your New Breasts

Traditional breast augmentation usually requires anywhere from four to six weeks of recovery. During this time, you will be required to wear compression garments to help minimize swelling, and you will likely also experience bruising in your breasts along with tightness, soreness, and even pain. However, summer is halfway over, which means that you will not have the chance to show off your breast augmentation results this summer with a traditional augmentation surgery. But, with Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation®, many women are able to return to work (along with their normal, daily activities) in less than a week—with some patients able to get back to their lives in as little as three to four days. This means that you can have the chance to show off your stunning results while the weather is still hot.

Call Iconic Plastic Surgery today at 760-637-5288  to learn more about migraine surgery or to schedule your consultation or fill out our online contact form.