Why Combining a Thigh Lift With a Tummy Tuck Is a Smart Idea?

Some of the most common cosmetic frustrations that many men and women deal with are excess skin, flab, and fat in the midsection and lower body. These aesthetic concerns can be the result of age, lifestyle, or life event (pregnancy or weight loss). And while these issues can make you feel self-conscious and even embarrassed about your appearance, the truth is there are many plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments available to help give you the physique you desire


Two of the most effective and trusted cosmetic surgical procedures for addressing aesthetic concerns in the midsection and lower body are tummy tuck surgery and thigh lift surgery. And though these procedures can be performed as standalone surgeries, it can be smarter and more efficient to combine these two surgeries into one transformative procedure. Below, we will explore each of these surgical procedures as well as why you may want to consider combining them.

What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic procedure that targets specific issues in the abdomen. Many women experience sagging skin and excess fat after pregnancy, though men and women of all ages can find themselves with a belly, gut, or pooch that they would rather not have. A tummy tuck requires an incision made just above the pubic area, stretching from hip to hip. Liposuction may be used to remove any pockets of stubborn fat in the area. Next, Dr. D’Souza will tighten the abdominal muscles with the use of internal sutures. Lastly, excess skin will be surgical excised before the incisions are closed. After your tummy tuck, you can look forward to a more contoured midsection that can help you feel comfortable and confident with your appearance.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

In addition to sagging skin and excess fat in the midsection, many men and women experience these conditions in their inner and outer thighs. Not only can these aesthetic concerns cause you to look heavier than you desire, but it can also keep you from wearing clothing that you want as well as participating in many of the activities that you love.

A thigh lift is a procedure that removes fat and skin from the upper portion of the leg. For this surgery, an incision will be made within the natural crease of the groin. Liposuction may be used for some patients, though this depends on the extent of fat in the area. Once the incision is made, Dr. D’Souza will remove and/or reposition subcutaneous tissues to create a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance to the leg, and he will remove any unsightly skin from the thighs. Both the inner thigh and outer thigh can be targeted, depending on the specific concerns that you have. Thigh lift results can improve your entire appearance, and, more importantly, it can help you regain control of your life.

What Are the Benefits of Combining the Two Surgeries?

Since the abdomen and thighs are so close in proximity on the body, only correcting one can often cause cosmetic concerns in the other to stand out. Because of this, combining both procedures together can offer a much more complete and dramatic transformation to your middle and lower body. You can look forward to a more contoured and toned appearance that can help you feel proud of your appearance, especially when you are in social situations. However, there are also practical benefits to combining these two surgical procedures. Because you are undergoing the surgical procedures at the same time, you will only be paying once for many of the surgical fees (anesthesia, surgeons, facility, etc.), which means that you will be saving money in the end. Additionally, since you will be recovering from both procedures at the same time, you will only need to have one recovery period.

The truth is that not every patient needs to have a combination of tummy tuck and thigh lift surgeries; however, many men and women can benefit from both of these procedures. If you think you may be a candidate for a combination surgery, then schedule a consultation today, and Dr. D’Souza will be happy to discuss the procedures and benefits of each as they relate to you.