What Should I Know About Neck Lift Surgery?

As we age, our skin tends to become loose, causing it to sag. This sagging skin is most noticeable on our faces and necks, especially since our faces are the most visible parts of our bodies. Sagging skin on our face and neck can make us look much older and worn down than we actually are. This can be very frustrating. Instead of being upset about this loose and sagging skin, though, why not correct it?

While facelift surgery can help smooth and tighten the skin on our faces, this procedure doesn’t really address the appearance of our necks. Luckily, a neck lift focuses directly on the presence of sagging skin on our necks. If you suffer from unsightly skin laxity on your neck, then a neck lift might be the right choice to help you.

What Does a Neck Lift Correct?

Many men and women are embarrassed by sagging skin on their neck (commonly referred to as a “turkey neck”) and along their jawline. With neck lift surgery, the underlying muscles in your neck are tightened with the use of internal sutures, tissue is repositioned, excess skin is surgically removed, and the remaining neck skin is tightened to give you a more contoured and defined neck and jaw. No longer will you need to worry about covering up loose and sagging skin on your neck with scarves or high-collarared shirts. Instead, after your neck lift, you’ll have increased confidence in your appearance. If you think you may be a candidate for neck lift surgery, then schedule a consultation at Iconic Plastic Surgery today!

What Is Neck Lift Recovery Like?

Though it varies for each individual and procedure, the general recovery time for neck lift surgery is two to three weeks. Depending on the type of job you have, most patients are able to return to work after one week.

As with all plastic surgery, you will have some swelling, bruising, and soreness in your surgical areas following your procedure, though these should dissipate within one week or two, and prescription and over-the-counter medication can be taken to alleviate any pain you may experience. It is important to allow your body to rest and heal during your recovery. This means that you need to refrain from any strenuous activities, including exercise and lifting anything of weight. Take this time to relax your body while you look forward to showing off your firm and smooth neck skin to the world.

Call Iconic Plastic Surgery today at 760-637-5288 to learn more about neck lift surgery or to schedule your consultation or fill out our online contact form.