What Should I Expect After My Arm Lift?

Trim and toned arms are the envy of many women and men. When you have toned arms, you can wear clothing (like sleeveless shirts and dresses) that you never felt comfortable wearing before. But, something may be holding you back from those sculpted arms. Sagging skin that hangs underneath your arms (also referred to as “bat wings”) can be unsightly and embarrassing, and it can cause many people to miss out on enjoying life to the fullest.


At Iconic Plastic Surgery, we offer arm lift surgery to remove sagging, unwanted skin from the undersides of the arms, which can increase your confidence and allow you to wear the outfits you’ve been eyeing all year! But what can you expect after undergoing arm lift surgery? Let’s explore the ins and outs of this cosmetic procedure to help prepare you for your surgery!

How Is an Arm Lift Performed?

Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, is performed under anesthesia to ensure optimal comfort during the entire surgery and typically takes one to two hours to complete. For this procedure, Dr. D’Souza will make an incision on the underside of the arms, extending down toward the elbow. This incision may be located in either the inside or back of the arms. The length of the incision will depend on the extent of the surgery. Liposuction may be used to remove any stubborn fat in the arms. Additionally, underlying tissue will be removed and/or repositioned to give you a more toned appearance. Lastly, excess skin will be surgically excised before the incisions are closed.

What Is Arm Lift Recovery Like?

For the first week of recovery, you will have small drains placed in each arm. These drains help to rid the body of any blood, pus, or other fluids that may accumulate during and immediately after the surgery. Most patients recover fully after about three to six months; however, patients are usually able to return to their normal activities after two to four weeks.

While it is crucial to rest and allow your body to heal, walking and other light movement is recommended to keep blood circulating and assist with recovery. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet during your recovery period can help your body recover more quickly. A post-op appointment with Dr. D’Souza will give you more specific information regarding your recovery plan.

What Results Can I Look Forward to After My Arm Lift?

After your arm lift surgery, you can look forward to tighter, smoother, and firmer upper arms. Although this surgery is long lasting, the natural aging process is still in effect. Arm toning exercises and a proper diet will help to prolong your results and keep your arms looking fantastic for years to come.