The Benefits of Using ZO® Skin Health Products

woman beautiful skin

Everyone has a unique skin type and experiences different ailments from adolescence into adulthood. While drug stores and salons carry a range of skin care products that claim to target certain problems, they have their limitations so that they appeal to a broader audience. Instead of offering specific options for the consumer’s individual imperfections, these products provide lackluster effects. Additionally, medical skin conditions must be treated by a professional to ensure the issue is handled correctly.

Achieving and maintaining beautiful, smooth, and youthful skin is accomplished by adopting a personalized skin care routine with high-end creams and cleansers. Using medical-grade skin care products rather than store-bought versions can tackle concerns and prevent future damage. At Iconic Plastic Surgery, we offer a collection of ZO® Medical and ZO® Skin Health products under the guidance of our medical aesthetician to deliver the best results for our patients.

The Benefit of ZO® Skin Care Products

ZO® Medical and ZO® Skin Health were created by esteemed dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi to provide a comprehensive approach to skin care that yields high-quality results. ZO® formulas have high concentrations of retinoids, glycolic acid, growth factors, and vitamin C. A medical aesthetician can compile a set of products tailored to your skin type and preferences to create a youthful, glowing, and, more importantly, healthy complexion.

What ZO® Products Can Do

Multi-Therapy Hydroquinone Approach: It is ideal for treating severe hyperpigmentation as well as sun damage and may be paired with an exfoliation product for optimal results.

Non-Hydroquinone Hyperpigmentation System: This approach can address mild-to-moderate hyperpigmentation and is gentle enough for patients with hydroquinone sensitivity. It can also be used as a maintenance program.

Severe Acne System: Patients who struggle with blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne, and inflammatory breakouts can benefit from this system. Some may achieve their desired results by combining it with a chemical peel or facial.

Rosacea System: This line of products contains anti-inflammatories as well as vitamin C and vitamin A, all of which minimize the symptoms of rosacea, including papules, pustules, redness, telangiectasia, and enlarged pores.

Skin Health: This set of products is usually recommended to preserve the effects of intensive skin treatment in the long run. A daily routine is custom designed for each patient to cleanse, moisturize, exfoliate, and protect the skin.

Assessing Your Needs

Because ZO® formulas are medical-grade, they need to be delivered by a specially trained medical professional who is experienced with skin care. During a private consultation at Iconic Plastic Surgery, your skin will be evaluated by our knowledgeable medical aesthetician who will then determine the appropriate course of action to give you the best possible outcome.


To receive your personalized ZO® skin care program, please schedule your consultation today by calling our Carlsbad location at 760-637-5288.