Mommy Makeovers – Getting Your Figure Back After Motherhood

After you give birth, you are glad to finally have your little bundle of joy in your life. That being said, despite your happiness upon giving birth, you can’t help but notice one thing: your body looks different now. The belly is still big, your skin and breasts are sagging, and even your lady bits are looking a little bit strange. These are the moments when you realize you’ve been fooled by all of those Hollywood movies, where ladies giving birth still look fabulous.

The truth is that most women struggle with postpartum weight for months, even years after they give birth. Exercise and a balanced diet can help, but with a baby crying every three hours, you barely have time to sleep, let alone work out. Luckily, Mommy Makeovers are here to make your job easier and help bring you back closer to your fabulous self.

When Should You Get a Mommy Makeover?

There is no perfect time for you to get the Mommy Makeover. However, Dr. D’Souza at Iconic Plastic Surgery recommends that you wait about six months before you get this procedure, to give your body some time to bounce back on its own. It’s also advisable to wait until you are done having children. Other than that, you can schedule your makeover whenever you want or whenever you have the time.
Still, you may want to opt for the Mommy Makeover during the fall. First, during fall, you are more likely to wear baggier and bigger clothing, which can help you hide potential bandages or recovery symptoms. Also, you won’t have to worry about chafing or excessive sweat affecting your incisions.
The cooler weather can also help your healing process. Cold therapy is frequently used to reduce inflammation, and fall weather brings just that. The temperatures are not that harsh anymore and can help your swelling go down faster, reducing your recovery time.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Include? 

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures aimed to restore your body after giving birth. The procedure is customized based on the needs of the patient, but it will usually consist of a mixture of a few surgeries, including:

  • Breast Lift: When you are pregnant, your milk ducts will begin to expand, and your blood flow will increase as well. This may cause you to go up a few cup sizes in your bra. However, once you stop breastfeeding, those milk ducts will shrink again, potentially leaving sagging skin behind. In this case, breast lift surgery is provided so that you can remove excess skin and restore the appearance of your breasts.
  • Breast Augmentation: Aside from breast sagging, many women also go through breast volume loss after pregnancy. This happens because as your milk-making cells shrink, your breasts will produce new fat cells. However, there is no guarantee that those fat cells will bring your breasts to the same size you had before pregnancy. Breast augmentation is used to add more volume to your shrunken breasts.
  • Tummy Tuck: During pregnancy, the skin on your belly area stretches quite a bit to accommodate the baby. Very often, the skin does not return to its old state. Abdominal muscle separation is also a frequent occurrence, and it takes a lot of time for those muscles to heal themselves. Tummy tucks are performed to repair the separated muscles in your tummy and remove the excess skin.
  • Liposuction: After pregnancy, many women are struggling with residual fat, especially around the belly area. Liposuction is used to suction out the fat that made itself at home in those stubborn regions. The procedure is recommended for those who have good skin elasticity, but for the belly part, it is often combined with procedures such as tummy tucks.
  • Labiaplasty: If your baby grows to a significant size in your uterus, giving birth can lead to modifications to your labia. To fix this, labiaplasty is made available during Mommy Makeover surgery. Labiaplasty can help decrease excess skin or redundancy in your labia minora/majora, restoring the overall appearance of your vulva.

Get Your Mommy Makeover Now!

Mommy Makeovers are a great way for you to regain control of your body aesthetics after pregnancy. Whether you are dealing with excess fat, sagging skin, or other conditions, Mommy Makeovers can help you get your old appearance back. Contact Iconic Plastic Surgery to schedule an appointment for a Mommy Makeover and see what we recommend for you!

For more information about Mommy Makeovers, you can contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. We would be more than happy to answer any of your queries. You may also use our online contact form and we can set you up for a virtual consultation.