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Mommy Makeover - Case 9014
35 year old mother of 1 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks. Procedure: Abdominoplasty with rectus plication and liposuction flanks, Breast lift
Mommy Makeover - Case 9013
35 year old mother of 1 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks. Procedure: Abdominoplasty with rectus plication and liposuction flanks, Breast lift
Mommy Makeover - Mommy Makeover
30 year old mother of 1 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks, breast ptosisProcedure: Abdominoplasty, liposuction flanks, breast mastopexy
Mommy Makeover - Case 9011
42 year old mother of 2 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks.
Procedure: Abdominoplasty, liposuction flanks, Breast lift
Mommy Makeover - Case 9010
55 year old mother of 2 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks.
Procedure: Abdominoplasty, liposuction flanks, Breast lift, augmentation (275 cc implants)
Mommy Makeover - Case 9008
35 year old female
Procedure: Breast Augmentation 345 cc Soft Touch Implants - Dual Plane 2
Mommy Makeover - Case 9007
35 year old mother of 3 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks
Procedure: Abdominoplasty with rectus plication and liposuction flanks
Mommy Makeover - Case 9006
32 year old mother of 2 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks Procedure: Abdominoplasty with rectus plication and liposuction flanks
Mommy Makeover - Case 9005
22 year old female here with deflated, ptotic breasts and increased abdominal skin after pregnancy. Procedure: Breast lift, abdominoplasty, liposuction flanks rectus muscle plication
Mommy Makeover - Case 9004

Mommy Makeover - Case 9003
32 year old female here with deflated breasts and increased abdominal skin after pregnancy. Procedure: Breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, rectus muscle plication
Mommy Makeover - Case 9002