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Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8009
30 year old female with breast ptosis and decreased fullness
Procedure: Breast Augmentation 250 cc Moderate profile implants and Wise breast lift (lollipop lift).

Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8008
30 year old female with breast ptosis and decreased fullness
Procedure: Breast Augmentation 230 cc/210 cc Moderate profile implants and Wise breast lift (lollipop lift).

Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8007
35 year old mother of 1 - Excess tissue in the area of the abdomen and flanks. Procedure: Abdominoplasty with rectus plication and liposuction flanks, Breast lift

Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8006
42 year old female with 300 cc saline implants with recurrent breast ptosis (sagging breast)
Procedure: Removal saline implants, Breast Augmentation 275 cc Low profile implants and Wise breast lift (lollipop lift).
Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8005
35 year old female with breast hypoplasia and breast ptosis (sagging breast) Procedure: Breast Augmentation 300 cc moderate profile implants and periareolar breast lift (cookie lift).

Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8003
45 year old female with breast hypoplasia and breast ptosis (sagging breast) Procedure: Breast Augmentation 250cc moderate profile implants and right periareolar breast lift (cookie lift) and left vertical mastopexy

Breast Lift and Augmentation - Case 8002
32 year old female with breast hypoplasia and breast ptosis (sagging breast) Procedure: Breast Augmentation 285cc moderate profile implants and periareolar breast lift (cookie lift)