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Breast Implant Removal - Case 3029
46 year old female with saline implants (415 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 415 cc Moderate Plus Profile, breast mastopexy

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3028
46 year old female with saline implants (415 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 415 cc Moderate Plus Profile, breast mastopexy

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3027
42 year old female with silicone implants (450 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago.
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast lift

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3026
42 year old female with silicone implants (550 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 35 years ago. Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast lift, breast implant replacement (270 cc Mod Plus)

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3025
32 year old female with saline implants (310 cc)
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 305 cc Moderate Plus Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3024
32 year old female with saline implants (310 cc)
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 250 cc Moderate Plus Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3023
62 year old female with silicone implants (300 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 35 years ago. Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast lift

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3022
42 year old female with silicone implants (400 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 15 years ago. Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast lift

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3021
46 year old female with saline implants (350 cc)
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 415 cc Moderate Plus Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3020
46 year old female with saline implants (350 cc)
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 415 cc Moderate Plus Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3019
32 year old female with saline implants (330 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 12 years ago Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 350 cc Moderate Plus Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3018
46 year old female with saline implants (415 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 415 cc Moderate Plus Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3017
62 year old female with saline implants (400 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 15 years ago. Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast lift

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3016
52 year old female with saline implants (500 cc) and rupture of right saline implant from previous surgeon 20 years ago. Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, bilateral replacement with silicone implants

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3015
32 year old female with saline implants (500 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago. Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast lift

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3014
46 year old female with saline implants (325 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 300 cc Moderate Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3013
33 year old female with 300 cc silicone implants that were too small for the patient from previous surgeon
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 320 cc Moderate Profile.

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3011
46 year old female with saline implants (325 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 300 cc Moderate Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3010
33 year old female with 300 cc silicone implants that were too small for the patient from previous surgeon Procedure: Removal of implants, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 320 cc Moderate Profile.

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3008
46 year old female with saline implants (325 cc) causing capsular contracture from previous surgeon 20 years ago Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast capsule reconstruction, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 300 cc Moderate Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Breast Implant Removal
33 year old female with 300 cc silicone implants that were too small for the patientfrom previous surgeon Procedure: Removal of implants, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 445 cc Full Profile

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3006
39 year old female with right deflated saline implants
Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 445 cc Full Profile
Breast Implant Removal - Case 3005
33 year old female with saline implants causing capsular contracture and breast ptosis from previous surgeon Procedure: Removal of implants, breast capsulectomy, breast augmentation with silicone implants – 345 cc Full Profile
Breast Implant Removal - Case 3004
58 year old female with saline implants causing capsular contracture and breast ptosis (sagging) with scar at the right breast from previous surgery Procedure: Removal of implants, removal of breast capsule, periareolar (nipple) breast lift, release of right breast scar, breast augmentation

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3003
58 year old female with saline implants causing capsular contracture and breast ptosis (sagging) Procedure: Removal of implants, removal of breast capsule, anchor breast lift

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3002
40 -year-old patient with right breast capsular contracture after a breast augmentation done by another surgeon. PROCEDURE PERFORMED Removal of bilateral silicone implant. Total capsulectomy Bilateral. Placement of 295 mL silicone implants bilaterally.

Breast Implant Removal - Case 3001
52-year-old patient with ruptured breast implants done by another surgeon and a history of capsular contracture PROCEDURE PERFORMED
- Removal of bilateral silicone implant.Total capsulectomy Bilateral. Right periareolar mastopexy. Placement of 325 mL silicone Natrelle implants bilaterally. Bilateral Breast Augmentation.