How Will I Know if I’m Ready for a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is one of the most popular and effective plastic surgery procedures for both men and women. One of the reasons for its popularity is that patients of all ages can enjoy the transformative results achieved from this procedure, and that is because there are numerous reasons why we develop excess fat and sagging skin in our midsections.

Whether from age, lifestyle (poor eating and exercise habits), or life events (pregnancy or weight loss), many of us find ourselves with a soft and squishy belly that can make us feel self-conscious and embarrassed. While you can try to cover up with clothing or refrain from certain social gatherings and activities (like trips to the pool or beach), the reality is that the cosmetic issue is still there when you look at yourself in the mirror. However, tummy tuck surgery can help you achieve the aesthetic look and feel you want.


How Is a Tummy Tuck Performed?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia so that you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Once the anesthesia has been administered, Dr. D’Souza will make the incision just above the pubic area. The length of the incision is largely dependent on the extent of the procedure; however, most tummy tuck incisions extend from hip to hip. Many patients have pockets of stubborn fat in their midsection. If this is the case for you, liposuction will be used to remove the fat to help you achieve a more sculpted appearance. Once the fat is gone, Dr. D’Souza will tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. Any sagging skin in the surgical area will be cut away, and the remaining skin will be tightened. Once the incisions are closed with sutures, you will be ready for your recovery.

What Kind of Results Can I Look Forward to From My Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Abdominoplasty can help men and women both look and feel better. You can expect to have a tighter, more defined midsection that helps you to look thinner and more toned than you have in years. This can allow you to wear clothing (like shirts, dresses, and bikinis or bathing suits) that you’ve never had the figure to pull off before, and you can look forward to being able to enjoy various activities that you haven’t been able to before. No longer will you find yourself sitting on the sidelines of life. Instead, you can feel more confident in yourself to get out there and enjoy the way you look.

If you are looking to achieve more dramatic improvement to your body’s appearance, abdominoplasty can be combined with other surgical procedures, including:

When Is the Right Time for a Tummy Tuck?

If you feel embarrassed about the appearance of your midsection, or you feel nervous that other people are talking about your soft tummy and sagging belly skin, then tummy tuck surgery can help. If you are ready to take back control of your body and life and achieve the contoured body that you’ve always wanted, then now is the right time for a tummy tuck. If you think you may be a candidate, schedule a consultation today. During your abdominoplasty consultation, you can discuss your cosmetic frustrations, and Dr. D’Souza will be able to evaluate your condition to create a surgical plan specifically for you.

Why wait any longer to look great and feel proud of your body’s attractive contours?!