How to Tell If You Have Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition that affects one to two-thirds of the male population. This condition causes enlarged breast tissue in men and makes it look like you have “man boobs,” which can cause discomfort and embarrassment for adult individuals. However, not every case of enlarged male breasts is gynecomastia, as different factors can influence this physical condition. 

One of the most important questions for some men is: Do you have excess fat, or do you have gynecomastia? Below, we will teach you more about gynecomastia and help you see if you struggle with it. As a male with an enlarged chest, there are certain things you should ask yourself before thinking about gynecomastia surgery. 

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is often a benign condition that leads to swelling of the breast area in men; this condition is usually caused by an increase in estrogen and a decrease in testosterone. The condition is more common in infants, teenagers, and older adults, as they often experience hormone fluctuations; however, gynecomastia can also occur in adult men at various points in their life.

With gynecomastia, the glandular tissue increases as an influx of hormones goes through your body. The condition can appear in one or both breasts and can cover the entire surface or only around the nipple area.

Typical Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Usually, gynecomastia includes symptoms that should be able to tell you whether or not you have this condition. The swelling of the breast tissue is the most notable sign of gynecomastia, especially when you are not particularly overweight. Additionally, if the swelling is accompanied by pain, tenderness, or sensitivity in the nipple area, then it’s a good sign that you have gynecomastia.

If these symptoms become bothersome and are potentially accompanied by fluid coming out of the nipples, then you might want to call Iconic Plastic Surgery. The condition usually starts with a firm lump in the breast area, which grows more prominent over time. An appointment can determine whether or not you are a candidate for gynecomastia treatment and help you achieve a flatter, more masculine chest.

Questions to Ask Yourself

If you are trying to determine if you have gynecomastia or are merely dealing with chest fat, here are some questions that you can ask yourself:

  • Am I Overweight?
    Generally, if you have excess fat and a BMI over 27, there is a good chance that the increased size of the breasts may not be due to gynecomastia. Even if you have a slimmer form but a high triglyceride or cholesterol level, the swelling can be caused by excess fat. That said, if dieting and exercise do not reduce the swelling, then there is a good chance it is indeed gynecomastia. 
  • What Age Am I?
    If you are younger and going through puberty, your hormones are likely going all over the place as your body is adjusting to the changes. Most cases of gynecomastia happen in teenagers, but the condition usually resolves itself once puberty is over. However, if you are an adult, you should have your hormone levels in balance, which means that you might need to be treated for gynecomastia.
  • Do I Have Any Medical Conditions?
    Certain medical conditions that affect your hormone levels can lead to the development of gynecomastia. For example, if you were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, the swelling of your breasts may indeed be a sign of gynecomastia. Dr. D’Souza can help you take the necessary tests if you suspect an underlying condition.
  • Am I Under Any Medication?
    Some types of medication can lower testosterone levels. For instance, chemotherapy treatments can reduce testosterone levels, causing your estrogen to be more elevated than it should be. If your gynecomastia symptoms appeared after you started this treatment, then the effects may be temporary and treatable.

The Bottom Line

Once diagnosed, gynecomastia can be treated until you reach the contour you desire. You just need to determine whether or not you actually have this condition. Schedule an appointment with Iconic Plastic Surgery to find out whether or not you are dealing with gynecomastia!


For more information about gynecomastia, contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. Dr. D’Souza can offer a consultation so you can get the proper treatment for your needs. As an alternative, you can fill out the provided online contact form on our website, and we will get in touch shortly.