How to Get Rid of Troublesome Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, then it goes without saying that they can completely affect your life. Despite what many people think, migraines aren’t simply “bad headaches.” Instead, migraines can be debilitating. And while rest, time, and pain medicine have been the age-old way of dealing with migraines, there are now ways to combat migraines and help get rid of them permanently.

At Iconic Plastic Surgery, Dr. D’Souza offers migraine surgery to help alleviate migraine pain and keep you from struggling with them any longer than you already are. Below, you’ll find information about this surgery, including how it’s performed and how you can combine it with cosmetic procedures so that you can feel better while you improve your facial aesthetic.

How Is Migraine Surgery Performed?

Migraine surgery is a surgical procedure in which trigger points (the area where the nerves are causing the migraine pain) are addressed. The location of the migraine(s) helps to tell where the trigger point(s) may be. These trigger points can be in any of these areas: the forehead, the temples, the septum/nose, and the neck. After the trigger point is located, Dr. D’Souza will make an incision in the area and then complete a nerve decompression. For this procedure, any underlying tissue in the treatment area that is putting pressure on the trigger point nerves will be surgically removed. This allows your nerves to literally be decompressed, and without the pressure on the nerves, there shouldn’t be any resulting migraine.

Are There Any Non-Surgical Options to Relieve Migraine Pain?

Many men and women are hesitant about undergoing a surgical procedure, such as migraine surgery. Whether it be fear or worry about anesthesia, incisions, or removing tissue from the body (especially the head), you may not want to have an invasive procedure. Luckily, there is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that can help alleviate migraine pain: BOTOX®.

While BOTOX® Cosmetic is a name that most people know and associate with cosmetic procedures (such as getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin), BOTOX® can help to relieve patients of troublesome and painful migraines. BOTOX® is a neuromodulator that is injected into strategic areas of the head (where the trigger points are located) to disrupt and block the bothersome nerves from sending signals to the brain. Essentially, BOTOX® paralyzes the frustrating nerves so that you don’t register any pain. However, it is important to understand that BOTOX® is not a permanent solution, and the solution does wear off after several weeks. To ensure that you have continued pain-free results, it is recommended that you have BOTOX® injections every 12 weeks.

What Procedures Can Be Combined With Migraine Procedures?

If you are looking to improve your body both inside and out, then combining your migraine procedure (whether it be surgery or BOTOX®) with other facial cosmetic procedures is the best option. Many patients choose to combine their migraine procedure with rhinoplasty (corrective nose surgery) and/or eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). If you are interested in combining procedures, then make sure to contact Iconic Plastic Surgery and discuss your frustrations and goals with Dr. D’Souza at your consultation.

We look forward to helping you enhance your appearance while allowing you to get rid of migraine pain so that you can reclaim your life and start doing the things you love.

Call Iconic Plastic Surgery today at 760-637-5288  to learn more about migraine surgery or to schedule your consultation or fill out our online contact form.