How Do I Remove My Excess Skin After Significant Weight Loss?

It goes without saying that losing weight is a major accomplishment that you should feel extremely proud of, and if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight (whether from traditional means, like diet and exercise, or from a bariatric surgery procedure), then you know just how life-changing the entire process is. However, while you may be excited to enjoy your new life of carrying less weight after major weight loss, the unfortunate reality is that you are not quite finished with your transformation. That is because extreme weight loss often results in sagging skin that makes you feel extremely self-conscious and even embarrassed. However, undergoing a body lift procedure can help you get rid of that unsightly skin that seems to just hang off your body so that you can fully enjoy your new and more defined physique.


What Is a Body Lift?

Body lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure in which remaining fat and sagging skin in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks is surgically removed to leave patients looking and feeling their best.

For this procedure, Dr. D’Souza will make an incision that circles your midsection. Liposuction may be used to remove any pockets of stubborn fat in the area. Once any fat is removed, Dr. D’Souza will cut away excess and sagging skin. Underlying muscles and tissue will be tightened with the use of internal sutures, and the remaining skin in the abdomen, groin, backside, and thighs will be pulled tight and held in place with sutures

How Can a Body Lift Help Me?

The benefits of a body lift procedure after significant weight loss are two-fold. Not only can you enjoy dramatic results in your physical appearance, but you can also find yourself feeling more confident and comfortable with the way you look. That is because the sagging skin is removed so that you can fully enjoy (and show off!) your tighter, more contoured lower body.

You can find yourself smiling as you look at your reflection in the mirror, as you wear clothes that you’ve always wanted to wear but never could, and as you enjoy participating in some of your favorite activities. If you are looking to achieve an even more transformed appearance, you can choose to combine your body lift with other surgical procedures, such as a breast augmentation , breast lift, or brachioplasty (arm lift surgery).

In the end, whether you undergo a body lift as a standalone surgery or choose to combine it with other procedures, this surgical procedure can help you fully complete your aesthetic transformation after weight loss and become your very best self!