How Can I Recover From Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that helps to give men and women a more sculpted physique. It is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, and for good reason. Liposuction utilizes small incisions, provides noticeable long-lasting results, and requires minimal recovery time. Patients who undergo liposuction surgery are those who wish to remove excess fat in the abdomen, arms, and thighs.


Though this surgery requires minimal recovery, there are still some post-op instructions that should be at the top of your mind when deciding whether or not you would like to undergo liposuction for body sculpting. Dr. D’Souza at Iconic Plastic Surgery will provide you with the information needed during your pre-procedure appointment, but here is a sneak peek at some of the most common questions about liposuction recovery.

Immediately After Liposuction

Congratulations! You’ve undergone liposuction to rid your body of excess fat that wouldn’t go away with traditional exercise. Now what?! Immediately after your surgery, you may be able to see a difference in your body shape. But be prepared; swelling and bruising will appear in the treatment area and these effects will dissipate on their own, revealing a sleeker physique. A compression garment should be worn to help with the swelling. Depending on how your body feels, you may be ready to return to work within a few days; on the contrary, it could potentially take up to two weeks to recover. Dr. D’Souza highly encourages walking to help with blood circulation and a speedier recovery period.

The First Week

You may have returned to work, but even still, you need to take it easy. Do not push yourself too hard. Relax as much as possible but still continue with your walks to promote blood flow and healthy healing. Now might be the best time to catch up on that show you’ve been wanting to binge!

Overall Recovery

If you wish to partake in any intense exercising and lifting, then you will need to be cleared by Dr. D’Souza before doing so. Once the swelling goes down, which could take a few months, you can look forward to seeing yourself in a new light. In order to maintain your results, a healthy diet and lifestyle, including hydrating and exercising, will be your best friends. Just be mindful of the hard work that got you to this new, amazing sculpted body, and enjoy life one day at a time!