Enhance Your Positive Features With Facial Fat Grafting

Whether because of age or life events (such as weight loss), our faces can become thin and gaunt. This is especially evident in the cheeks and under the eyes. When this happens, we tend to look much older than we actually are, and definitely older than we feel. Many men and women feel self-conscious about their thin facial appearance and desire fuller, more voluminous cheeks. The good thing is that there are cosmetic treatments that do just that!

Facial fat grafting is a minimally invasive procedure that allows you to increase the volume in parts of your face so that you look younger, healthier, and more energized. Additionally, facial fat grafting can help reduce the appearance of facial blemishes, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and scars on the face.

What Excatly Is Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial fat grafting (also known as fat transfer) is a cosmetic procedure in which fat is extracted through liposuction surgery from a part of your body, such as the abdomen, thighs, back, or buttocks. This extracted fat is purified and placed in syringes. Your plastic surgeon will then inject this purified fat into strategic places to help fill in areas of your face that have thinned out over time.

What Are Some Benefits of Facial Fat Grafting?

While you will have some redness and swelling after your procedure, the recovery of facial fat grafting is relatively short, which means that you will be able to get out and show off your newer, fuller facial appearance before you know it!

While dermal fillers and other injectables can help add volume to your face, these treatments do not offer the same long-lasting results as facial fat transfer. While dermal fillers and injectables only last 12 to 18 months before requiring maintenance treatments, facial fat transfer results can last years and years. Along with the dramatic and long-lasting results that facial fat transfer offers, there is no worry about your body rejecting the fat, since it is coming from your body! This is important, as some patients have experienced complications with some of the substances that are found in dermal fillers and injectables.

In the End…

If you are looking for a trusted and successful correction to your thin facial features, then the facial fat transfer may be exactly what you’re looking for. After your procedure, you will be able to feel comfortable with your appearance, knowing that others are seeing you the way you want to be seen!

To enhance and contour your features, please contact Iconic Plastic Surgery by calling 760-637-5288 or filling out our online contact form today!