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How Long Is Recovery Time for a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a fairly major plastic surgery procedure. It can give dramatic results, but it also takes some time to recover from. Typically, recovery time for a tummy tuck takes around two weeks, after which patients can return to their everyday activities with some restrictions.

Slim woman with flat stomach on the beach | Dr. Gehaan D'Souza | Carlsbad Tummy Tuck Surgeon

It’s best to have realistic expectations about recovery from a tummy tuck, so Carlsbad plastic surgeon Dr. Gehaan D’Souza will take the time to explain the recovery process and what you can expect during your consultation.

If you are interested in flattening your stomach through a tummy tuck, please call Dr. D’Souza today at 760-691-5165 to schedule your consultation.

Tummy Tuck Recovery General Timeline

Each patient will be different, but the general timeline for tummy tuck recovery is typically as follows:

  • Week 1-2: Rest and no strenuous activity. Walking is good, but don’t try to lift anything heavy (including a child) or push yourself beyond your limits. Take prescription pain medication as needed.
  • Week 3-4: Return to work or school (as long as it doesn’t involve strenuous activity). By this point (or even earlier) you can switch to Tylenol for pain management.
  • Week 4-8: Gradually resume exercise routine, but continue to hold off on heavy lifting unless you get the okay from Dr. D’Souza. Light cardio is typically fine. You may still be swollen, so don’t worry if you can’t see your final results yet.

By the third month, you should be mostly healed and able to see your results. There may still be some residual swelling, but it shouldn’t be too noticeable. Residual swelling can take up to 6 months or a year to fully dissipate, so patience is key.

It’s important to stay in contact with Dr. D’Souza and go to all of your follow-up appointments to make sure your recovery is on track. Check with him before deciding to do things like travel by plane, go swimming, or do any lifting at the gym. Even if you feel great, don’t try to do too much too soon or you could compromise your recovery.

How Long Do Tummy Tuck Results Last?

The results from a tummy tuck can last indefinitely, as long as you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Most patients only need one tummy tuck in their life. However, if you put on a lot of weight or have a child after your tummy tuck, your results may be compromised and you may need a revision tummy tuck at a later date.

This is why we always recommend waiting until after you’re finished having children before undergoing a tummy tuck. In addition, we recommend waiting until you’re at a healthy, stable weight that you can maintain.

A tummy tuck is not a magic weight loss tool. It can help repair loose muscles, get rid of loose, sagging skin, and eliminate stubborn excess fat that doesn’t go away despite a healthy diet and exercise routine. It will not actually help you lose weight.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

If you are interested in a tummy tuck, call Carlsbad plastic surgeon Dr. Gehaan D’Souza at 760-691-5165 today to schedule your Consultation. We serve patients in Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, and other areas of northern San Diego.