When selecting skin-care products, it is very important that you know what it is that you are putting on your body. Some products claim to be free and clear of all harmful chemicals, but in reality, they aren’t. Iconic Plastic Surgery only uses the tried, true, and tested skin-care products that are scientifically proven to be safe and effective.

What Should I Look For?
It is recommended that you look for products that contain higher levels of active ingredients, such as retinoids, glycolic acid, growth factors, and vitamin c. These types of products are typically found in medical offices rather than department stores or salons. However, ensuring that you are putting on healthy, nutrient-rich skin-care products will help keep your appearance more youthful and vibrant.
What Does Iconic Plastic Surgery Offer?
At Iconic Plastic Surgery, we carry the ZO® Skin Health product line. ZO® Medical products use high-quality active ingredients that are vital for repairing damage and treating specific skin concerns. The good thing about ZO® Skin Health is that it can still be used as a regular skin-care regimen to maintain a youthful appearance.
ZO® Medical & ZO® Skin Health
ZO® Medical helps to treat discoloration and dark spots, hyper pigmentation, all types of acne, and many different types of rosacea symptoms. These medical treatments are effective, are based on sound scientific research, and produce satisfying results. After the medical aspect has been covered, ZO® Skin Health comes into play as an everyday skin-care regimen. This advanced skin-care system can help maintain and protect your skin and prolong the effects of aging for a little while longer.
Meeting with our medical aesthetician, Lizette, will allow you to discuss your current skin-care regimen or start a brand new one to ensure a good outcome. Look radiant with ZO® Medical and ZO® Skin Health products and be proud to show off that youthful aesthetic.
For more information about ZO® Skin Health and ZO® Medical Products or to schedule a consultation, please contact Iconic Plastic Surgery by calling 760-637-5288 or filling out our online contact form today!