Why Is My Breast Augmentation Consultation So Important?

Breast augmentation is one of the most desired and performed cosmetic surgical procedures every year. That is because the results from a breast augmentation can be transformative for women. Not only are the size and shape of your breasts improved, but your confidence and comfort in your appearance can increase dramatically.

As with any plastic surgery procedure, your breast augmentation consultation is one of the most important factors in achieving the results you desire. At your breast augmentation consultation, you will be asked to make some decisions about your procedure, and while your surgeon will be there to help give you suggestions, it is important that you begin thinking of some of these decisions now.

How Is a Breast Augmentation Performed, and What Can It Achieve?

Breast augmentation surgery (often referred to as a “boob job”) is a cosmetic procedure in which the size, volume, and shape of a woman’s breasts are increased and improved. This is accomplished with the use of breast implants, which are placed under the skin to give the desired improvement to a woman’s chest. However, unlike many other plastic surgery procedures, breast augmentation requires several decisions that you, the patient, need to make, along with your plastic surgeon.

What Decisions Need to Be Made for Your Breast Augmentation?

At your consultation, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic frustrations and desires, and your surgeon will evaluate your breasts to determine if you are a candidate for breast augmentation surgery and to give suggestions about your results.

Implant Type

One of the most important decisions that you need to make for your breast augmentation surgery is what implant type you want to have placed in your breasts. You can choose to have either saline implants or silicone implants, and while they both offer stunning and transformative results, there are several differences between them that you will want to consider.

Saline implants are filled with a saline (salf water) solution and can be filled after they are placed within your body, which can result in a smaller scar. Silicone implants, on the other hand, are made of a silicone gel material and tend to look and feel more like your natural breast. At your consultation, you will have the chance to look at photos of previous patients to see which implant material you would like.

Implant Location

After you’ve chosen your implant type, the next decision that you will need to make at your consultation is the location of the implant. Your implant can be placed either beneath the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement) or between the pectoral muscle and glandular breast tissue (subglandular placement). Both placement locations allow for dynamic results, but your choice of implant location does affect the appearance and movement that you will have.

With submuscular placement, patients tend to have a more natural slope breast appearance. Additionally, a submuscular placement tends to be better for women who are more athletic and active, since the implant does not interfere as easily with pectoral muscles, especially with arm movement. A subglandular placement, however, is better for women who have more breast tissue. Recovery tends to be much quicker with a subglandular placement so that you can enjoy your results sooner.

Incision Type

There are three incision types for breast augmentation surgery:

  • – Inframammary incision: the incision is made along the crease beneath the breast
  • – Periareolar incision: the incision is made around the areola
  • – Tansaxillary incision: the incision is made in the armpit (this option is only available for saline implants)

While you will be able to have a say in the decision for the implant type and placement, the decision for the incision type will be made by your surgeon during your consultation. Scarring is one of the most common concerns that patients have, but it is important to note that your cosmetic surgeon will do everything possible to limit the amount of visible scarring.

Why Should You Schedule Your Consultation Today?

Deciding to undergo breast augmentation surgery is the first and most important step in achieving the aesthetic you desire. However, scheduling your consultation and deciding what results you’re looking to have is the second most important step. Besides choosing the implant type, location, and incision at your consultation, you will be able to ask questions and learn all about your breast augmentation surgery, including any pre- and post-surgical instructions and what to expect for your recovery. Schedule your consultation today so that you can look and feel the way you’ve always wanted.
Call Iconic Plastic Surgery today at 760-637-5288  to learn more about breast augmentation or to schedule your consultation or fill out our online contact form.