What Is Gynecomastia and How Does It Affect You?

Having “man boobs” can significantly decrease your self-confidence as a male. Sure, excess weight can happen in different areas of your body, but when it is deposited on the chest, it’s sometimes problematic. Does gynecomastia go away, or are you stuck with a set of “twins” adorning your chest?

Many people believe that if your breasts are popping out like that, then you have a weight problem and exercise should solve it. However, even a gym rat has all the chances of developing gynecomastia. And unless you understand gynecomastia and its causes, you may not be able to treat it, but this blog can teach you everything you need to know.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a relatively common condition that may lead to enlarged tissue in a male’s breast. While the condition can occur at any age, it’s more common in newborns, teenagers, and older adults. According to statistics, the condition affects 50 to 60 percent of men worldwide.

Most cases of gynecomastia in adults come with no symptoms aside from swelling in the breast area. That being said, depending on how advanced the condition is, you may still feel some extra symptoms. For instance, adolescents may feel pain in the breast area or a fair amount of tenderness. You may also feel sensitivity in your nipples the moment they start rubbing against your clothes.

What Can Cause Gynecomastia?

For the most part, gynecomastia is caused by a decrease in the testosterone hormone in comparison to estrogen. The hormonal imbalance can make the male breast area swell more than usual. So, the most common causes are:

  • Natural Hormonal Changes: Estrogen and testosterone are responsible for sex characteristics between women and men. Testosterone deals with the male traits, whereas estrogen handles the womanly traits. Many people believe that estrogen is a hormone exclusively produced by women, but men also produce it in small quantities. Hormonal imbalances like the ones occurring in puberty or during certain health conditions may create an imbalance between the two.

  • Certain Medication: Several types of medication can also mess up your hormonal balance and lead to the onset of gynecomastia. This can include anti-androgens, anabolic steroids, AIDS medications, ADHD and anti-anxiety medicine, antibiotics, and more. If your gynecomastia began appearing once you started taking a certain medicine, you may want to talk to Dr. D’Souza about alternatives.
    • Health Conditions: Certain health conditions may also trigger the development of gynecomastia, especially if it causes hormone imbalances. Some of these conditions are hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, tumors, liver or kidney failure, and even malnutrition. If there is a spike that causes your testosterone levels to drop while allowing the estrogen to stay the same, this may lead to the formation of “man boobs.
  • Drugs and Alcohol: Illicit drugs, recreational drugs, and alcohol have also been frequently connected to the development of gynecomastia This can include anabolic steroids, alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, heroin, and methadone. Gynecomastia often resolves itself spontaneously upon stopping the drugs, but some cases may take months to heal.

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia?

The majority of gynecomastia conditions resolve themselves in time, especially when it comes to infants and teenagers. As the hormones reach a point of proper balance, the breast swelling should be reduced within two weeks. However, if the gynecomastia is drug-induced, then stopping the treatment may also be necessary to reduce this condition.

Some doctors may recommend medical treatment to bring your hormones into balance. However, depending on how visible or painful the gynecomastia is, Dr. D’Souza may recommend surgery.

For example, if the gynecomastia involves excess fatty tissue, then you may benefit more from liposuction. This will remove the fatty tissue but not the breast muscle itself. On the other hand, if your breast tissue is enlarged, then a mastectomy may be used instead.

The Bottom Line

Gynecomastia can be a troublesome condition, but unless it becomes painful, it is not usually something to worry about. If you want to reduce the size of your breasts, then you may want to consider gynecomastia treatment or surgery. Call Iconic Plastic Surgery and schedule an appointment to get rid of gynecomastia.


For more information about gynecomastia, you can contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. We would be more than happy to address all of your questions. You may also fill out our online contact form, and we will get back in touch with you shortly.