Many aspects of your life will change once you become a mom. Your sleeping and eating habits will change, as will the look of your body. Let’s face it, you grew a human being inside of you for nine months, of course you’re going to look and feel like a new woman! And it is important to love yourself and accept your body in whatever way makes you feel beautiful, comfortable, and confident! If that means undergoing Mommy Makeover surgery, then go get that Mommy Makeover. You may be asking yourself, though, “How do I recover from a Mommy Makeover when I have a baby at home?!” These few tips will help you in your recovery so that you can be the best version of yourself, for both yourself and your baby.

Prep for Surgery Properly
It is important to properly prepare for your Mommy Makeover. That means that patients need to quit smoking, avoid certain medications, and stick to a healthy diet. Smoking can delay the healing process and can put patients at risk for potential post-surgery complications. Some medications can thin the blood, which can lead to increased bleeding and bruising. And having a well-balanced diet beforehand will ensure that you are as healthy as possible before going into surgery.
Get Things in Order Before
After surgery, you are going to want to come home and rest, relax, and recover. It will be beneficial to you and your family (or other housemates) if you have things in order before your surgery, that way you won’t be rushing around your home while you are recovering. Make a list of the things you need to do before your surgery, like:
- Arrange childcare
- Stock up on groceries
- Fill all prescriptions
- Hire a housekeeper
- Set up a personal recovery station with your favorite things
By following these steps and Dr. D’Souza’s after-care plan and instructions, your Mommy Makeover recovery should be much easier and more relaxing than if you hadn’t done anything.
Call Iconic Plastic Surgery today at 760-637-5288 to find out if you are a candidate for Mommy Makeover surgery. You can also fill out our online contact form.