Once you decide to undergo thigh lift surgery, you may have a few questions and concerns about what to expect during and after surgery. Although Dr. D’Souza will go over all aspects of your surgery, sometimes it is nice to be able to read about it beforehand and know the basics before going in.

What Is Thigh Lift Surgery?
Thigh lift surgery is designed to remove excess skin and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thighs, which results in beautifully sculpted legs. An incision will be made within the groin crease, and excess skin and tissue will be removed. After that, Dr. D’Souza will tighten the remaining tissues and muscles, and you will be on your way to recovery once all incisions are closed and drains are placed. Something to keep in mind is that there are two options when it comes to thigh lift surgery: inner and outer thigh lift.
Inner Thigh Lift
Inner thigh lift surgery addresses laxity in the highest part of the inner thigh. The scar is placed in the groin crease and extends to the buttocks. Dr. D’Souza makes sure that any scars can be concealed by underwear or bathing suits. If skin laxity extends to the knee, a more extensive operation will be required.
Outer Thigh Lift
Outer thigh lift is performed as a combination procedure with a body lift or tummy tuck.
How Do I Know I’m a Candidate?
Patients who have experienced significant weight loss are usually candidates for this procedure, but sometimes alternative methods are suggested before diving into the full-on thigh lift surgery. After your personal consultation with Dr. D’Souza, where you will discuss your goals and expectations, the best approach to suit your needs will be determined. In general, though, if you have excess skin and tissue in the thighs, are maintaining a stable weight, and have realistic expectations, you may be a candidate for thigh lift surgery.
For more information and to schedule your consultation for thigh lift surgery, call Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288 or fill out our online contact form.