Recovery After Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation: What to Expect?

Breast augmentations are some of the most popular surgical procedures for women, with more than three hundred thousand women in the US getting them every year. A well-done procedure can make it seem like you have natural breasts, complementing your physique much better. However, despite how appealing the procedure may be, there is one aspect that very few look forward to: the recovery.

With some women unwilling to sacrifice their free time to stay home recovering, medical advancements came up with an answer: rapid recovery breast augmentation. With this procedure, patients can be up on their feet quickly after their surgery, leading to less discomfort. Find out what to expect from the recovery of this procedure!

What Is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation?

As the name suggests, rapid recovery breast augmentation is a procedure that aims to increase the size of your breasts with minimal recovery. The focus of the surgery is to keep the bleeding as low as possible, keeping the trauma at a minimum.

With heavy bleeding often connected to increased inflammation and bruising, Dr. D’Souza cauterizes the incisions and wounds during the procedure. This not only cuts time from the operating room and helps recovery but also prevents complications.

Stages of Recovery

Recovery from rapid recovery breast augmentation lasts for about a week or two. Some individuals may take longer, but it depends on how well you take care of yourself post-procedure. Here is a guide that tells you how most patients feel after surgery:

1. Day 1-3

On the first day of your recovery, you will likely feel groggy from the anesthesia. We advise that you have someone drive you home. Your plan for the first three days is to rest as much as possible. Cold compresses or ice held for a few minutes every few hours should help you reduce the swelling and inflammation, speeding up the recovery time. You don’t have to wear any compressive garments or drains, so you can get away with wearing a comfortable T-shirt.

2. Day 3-7

After the third day, you should be able to move around comfortably enough to get to work, provided it’s low labor. Most office workers who undergo breast surgery on a Friday can usually go back to work on Monday, which means you might not even have to take the day off. You may still feel some pain around this time, but it can be managed with pain medication, should you need it.

3. Day 7-14

After the seventh day, you should be up and about with your daily chores, but it is important that you do not overdo it. Your breasts can take two to three weeks to “settle,” so refrain from extensive exercise. Don’t feel concerned if you still notice some swelling and redness; this is normal for the first weeks, as the breasts are accommodating the breast implants. It might take some time until the tissue expands and adjusts, leading to more natural results.

Top Tips for Speedy Recovery

While the procedure aims for rapid recovery, proper aftercare can help speed things up even more. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Follow Dr. D’Souza’s post-op instructions, as he may offer medication and other tools to improve recovery
  • Massage the breasts gently to reduce swelling and help the implants settle more effectively
  • Rest as much as you can, especially for the first two to three days
  • Avoid smoking, as this activity can impede the healing process
  • Avoid heavy exercise for at least two to three weeks and until you are cleared by Dr. D’Souza, but start walking as soon as you feel comfortable
  • Don’t use OTC medication without recommendation, as it can lead to irritation

Make sure to attend your checkup appointment to ensure that everything is healing smoothly.

Contact Us for More Details!

Compared to traditional breast augmentation, the rapid recovery option has you on your feet much faster. With that in mind, you should still practice some care during the first few days after the procedure. To learn how to make the most of your recovery, schedule an appointment with Dr. D’Souza at Iconic Plastic Surgery!

For more information about rapid recovery breast augmentation, please contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. We can help you understand the procedure better to make the most of your recovery. As an alternative, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.