Get Fit for Summer With Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition that is very common in adolescent males along with adults over the age of 50. When this condition appears, it makes them seem like they have breasts that are sometimes larger than a woman’s, potentially making them feel very self-conscious. Many men simply avoid going to the beach, as they do not want the embarrassment of taking their shirt off.

The good news is that gynecomastia is not only treatable but also preventable. With the right medical approach and appropriate aftercare, you can prevent your chest from looking like it needs a bra. In this blog, you can learn more about gynecomastia and how to approach it so that you can be fit for summer!

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a fairly common disorder in men of all ages, appearing as an enlargement or overdevelopment of men’s breast tissue. Commonly referred to as “man boobs,” the condition is more common in infants, teenagers, and older men, but it may also occur in middle-aged adults.

Enlarged male breasts may be caused by various things. For instance, if the breast tissue itself is the part that becomes larger, the cause may be a hormonal imbalance, where you have more estrogen than testosterone. This can cause the breast tissue to swell while being relatively firm.

Gynecomastia may also be a symptom of excess weight. Once more, there may be two causes for this. As an example, it can merely be fat in your chest area, causing your breasts to swell. That being said, obesity also has the potential to increase estrogen levels, which can lead to the breast tissue itself swelling up.

Treatment for gynecomastia is often hormonal, but it may also be addressed through gynecomastia surgery and/or liposuction. The approach may differ based on what is causing your condition. This is why a consultation with Iconic Plastic Surgery is necessary, as Dr. D’Souza will come up with a personalized treatment approach.

Exercise as a Gynecomastia Maintenance Treatment

For gynecomastia to stop rearing its head, you could use exercise as a preventive method. Very often, gynecomastia may appear as a result of excess weight, causing the fat to accumulate in the chest area. When you exercise regularly, you can shed extra weight, which should reduce the size of your chest area as well.

If your gynecomastia is caused by hormonal imbalances, then exercise can also help you keep the condition under control. Working out can increase your testosterone levels, making it so that your estrogen is no longer dominant. This brings your body back into balance so that your hormones are not causing your breasts to grow. This is why Dr. D’Souza often recommends exercise after gynecomastia treatment (once cleared of course!), to prevent the condition from reoccurring. Some instances of gynecomastia cannot be treated with exercise and will need surgical intervention.

What Exercise Types Should You Focus On?

There are certain exercises that you may want to add to your routine, namely cardio and those that target your chest muscles. Walking and running can help you reduce body fat, which can also help prevent the reappearance of male breasts. Rowing machines also offer a full-body workout, with the pulling motion being especially effective on your chest muscles.

If you are looking for a low-impact cardio exercise, swimming can also keep your gynecomastia under control. Not only can it help build your cardio strength, but the arm and chest-centered movements can also reduce chest fat. This can help you get fit for summer while preparing you for a safe day at the beach. After all, with all that swimming, you’ll be more confident jumping in the water.

The Bottom Line

Gynecomastia can be a fairly embarrassing condition for men, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be controlled. With the right approach, you can help bring it under control so that you can enjoy your summer body. Call Iconic Plastic Surgery and set up an appointment for gynecomastia treatments!
For more information about gynecomastia and ways to treat it, you can contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. Dr. D’Souza can set you up with an appointment and address your condition. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.