Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation

The body you were given is not always the body that you want. This is made clear by the fact that about 71 percent of women are not happy with their breast size, and about 47 percent of them want them to be bigger. Luckily, breast augmentation has become so common that anyone can choose to undergo this surgery!

But what exactly does a breast augmentation entail, and when should you opt for one? Are there any special things that you should keep in mind about the recovery and side effects? In this blog, you will find out everything that you need to know about breast augmentation so that you can make an informed choice.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a common procedure that aims to increase the size of your breasts, usually with the help of implants. These implants can be made from saline or silicone, each having its own benefits, size, and firmness levels. Women looking for a smaller increase in their breast size can opt for a fat transfer breast augmentation, as it can sometimes offer more realistic results.

Since breast implants require surgery, you will go through some recovery time. Each person heals differently, but for the most part, it takes six to eight weeks to fully recover from this procedure. You can usually return to work within a week or two after the surgery, but it is recommended that you wait for up to three weeks if your work involves intense labor.

If you do not want to deal with the recovery time, Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation® is a great alternative. This type of breast augmentation is more complex, as the focus is to reduce as much of the bleeding as possible. This helps reduce the recovery process, with most patients being able to return to their daily activities on the next day.

Why Get Breast Augmentation?

Here are some of the most common reasons why women may opt for breast augmentation:

  • To Change the Appearance of the Breasts: If you are unhappy with the current size of your breasts, then augmentation can help increase their size. For instance, if your breasts are too small, then you may have trouble finding bras that can complement your shape without making you look boyish. Breast implants can make you feel sexy, improving your confidence and self-esteem.



  • To Account for Breast Size Decrease: If your breasts look small right now but were not always that way, then breast implants can be a great choice for you. Certain events such as pregnancy or weight loss can cause your body to change from big breasts to small breasts, making you miss your old form. Such changes may also cause your breasts to sag, making you feel self-conscious. Breast augmentation can help account for that decrease, making your breasts look full and perky once again.
  • To Correct Symmetry Issues: About 90 percent of women have asymmetric breasts, making it a very common condition. That being said, in some women, this difference may be more visible. In this case, they can choose breast augmentation to correct potential symmetry issues.
  • To Correct Surgery-Related Unevenness: Certain conditions like surgery can cause you to have one breast smaller than the other. For instance, if you had breast cancer on one side, then you may choose to remove the breast to save your life. If that’s the case, breast augmentation can be used to correct the unevenness caused by the surgery.

The Bottom Line

Breast augmentation can help improve the look of your breasts, regardless of your reason for the surgery. That being said, it is important to be informed about the procedure and ensure that it’s performed by an experienced, board-certified surgeon.
For more information on breast augmentation, you can contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. We can offer all the information you need to make an informed decision. You can also fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you as shortly as possible for a virtual consultation.