Category Archives: Labiaplasty

Benefits of Labiaplasty – Is the Procedure Right for You?

When it comes to plastic surgery, many of us think about the most visible areas, such as our breasts and our faces. However, the less visible areas also need our attention now and again. For instance, 56 percent of women have visible labia minora, which can occasionally lead to physical discomfort.

In these circumstances, labiaplasty With Dr. D’Souza at Iconic Plastic Surgery can permanently correct the shape of your labia to improve your comfort levels and confidence. Find out whether or not the procedure is good for you!

What Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to decrease the size of your labia, whether it’s minora or majora. If the inner lips on your intimate area become enlarged for whatever reason, several incisions will be made to cut off the excess skin. The procedure itself is customizable, meaning that every patient should be able to obtain desired results.

Once the surgical area heals, the results are usually permanent. That said, the surgery cannot stop the skin’s natural aging process or its response to trauma. As a result, if you go through life events such as giving birth, you might require follow-up maintenance treatments to maintain the new shape of your labia.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Labiaplasty?

Candidates for labiaplasty may choose the procedure for various reasons, whether for aesthetic or medical purposes. Women should consider this procedure if they exhibit the following signs:

  • You experience physical discomfort such as chafing or irritation after walking or cycling
  • Your labia have changed their shape after aging or childbirth, and you desire cosmetic improvement
  • You get frequent yeast infections due to your labia’s inability to maintain a hygienic environment
  • Your sexual experience is suffering as a result of your enlarged labia.

Patients should be in good health before opting for this procedure. Patients should also be non-smokers (or quit smoking), as the habit can slow the healing process. Please set up a consultation first with Dr. D’Souza to determine your candidacy.

Top Benefits of Labiaplasty

Here are the main benefits that patients getting labiaplasty can enjoy:

  • Improved Comfort

Oddly shaped labia can lead to a fair amount of physical discomfort during activities like cycling, horseback riding, or even walking. As labiaplasty reduces the tissue, there will be less friction when you move, improving your comfort levels.

  • Increased Sexual Satisfaction

Excess labial tissue can create significant discomfort during your sexual life, as the skin often gets caught. Reducing its size diminishes the chances of pain, allowing you to enjoy a pleasant intimate life. Labiaplasty could also make the delicate area look more appealing, which often increases confidence.

  • Better Aesthetic Appearance

Asymmetries between the labia minora and majora can lead to an aesthetic imbalance, causing women to feel self-conscious in an intimate setting. Labiaplasty can adjust the shape of the labia until you are more confident with it, offering a more natural look. This can improve one’s confidence in their own body and contribute to a positive body image.

  • Enhanced Hygiene

Larger labia could lead to several health conditions like irritation and even infection. Since it can also harbor more bacteria, you’ll be more likely to develop rashes or other discomfort-inducing problems. Labiaplasty can bring the excess tissue into balance, reducing the environmental factors that could increase the risk of these conditions.

Schedule a Consultation Today!

Labiaplasty can improve the shape of your labia, increasing your physical comfort and making you feel better about yourself. If you are interested in the procedure, a consultation can determine if this surgery suits you. Contact Iconic Plastic Surgery and see what labiaplasty can do for you!


For more information about labiaplasty, contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. Dr. D’Souza can offer all the guidance you need to determine if you are a candidate. You can also use our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.