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Is a Breast Lift the Right Choice for You?

In the past few years, body positivity has taken over the media, but it seems that not everyone is happy with how they look. For example, only 29.3 percent of women say they are happy with their breasts and the rest find all kinds of flaws, pointing at their breast’s form or size. The bigger issue is that breasts also lose their shape as you age. But, there is nothing that a breast lift can’t fix!

The question is though, how do you know that a breast lift is a good choice for you? That’s what we’re here for! At Iconic Plastic Surgery, Dr. D’Souza will examine your breasts and body type and give you advice and recommendations based on your expectations and preferences.

What Is a Breast Lift, and Why Would You Need One?

Factors such as sudden weight loss, pregnancy, or aging can cause your breasts to start drooping, which often leads to self-esteem issues in some women. In this case, you can call on breast lift surgery, which reduces the appearance of sagging breasts by removing the extra tissue.

You might need a breast lift if:

  • You notice that your nipples are pointing downward.
  • Your breasts are sagging with the appearance of loose skin.
  • Your nipples are falling below your breast crease.

One important thing to remember is that a breast lift does not increase the size of your breasts. Instead, it can help correct their position, making them look much firmer in their new position.

When to Opt for Breast Lifts vs. Implants?

When you feel like there is something wrong with the shape of your breasts, you might automatically think about getting a breast implant. However, this is not always necessary and a breast lift, without the augmentation, might be enough for you.

Most women should choose breast lift surgery if:

1. You Want to Correct Your Breast Posture and Position

Look at the posture and position of your breasts when you are wearing a bra versus when you are not wearing one. Are you happy with their overall size, but do not like how they hang without a bra? In that case, a breast lift may be enough, as it can make your breasts look perkier and firmer.

2. Your Breasts Are the Same Size

Studies show that 9 percent of women go through some kind of chest asymmetry, and a 20 percent size difference is rather common. However, some women have an even bigger difference between their breasts, causing them to opt for augmentation on one side. If that is not a problem for you and you are the proud owner of relatively symmetric breasts, then augmentation may not be necessary. In that case, a regular breast lift should be just enough.

3. You Don’t Want More Volume

The bigger your breast size, the greater your upper back pain is going to be. If your breast size is causing enough trouble as it is, then adding more volume can make things even worse. If you just want to improve the aspect of your breasts without adding extra volume, then breast lift surgery may be a good option for you.

4. You Want a Shorter Recovery Time

With a breast augmentation, the recovery time is about four to six weeks because your body needs to accommodate the foreign implant. On the other hand, the recovery time for a breast lift is around two weeks. This makes breast lift surgery a better choice for you if your schedule doesn’t allow you to go through a longer recovery period.

The Bottom Line – Should You Get a Breast Lift or Not?

Breast lifts can be a great alternative to make your breasts look firmer without adding volume to them. If your breasts have been touched by time, a breast lift can help turn the clock back to their glory days. Book a consultation for a breast lift with Iconic Plastic Surgery so that you can look good and feel good in your own skin!

For more information about breast lift surgery, please contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. We will gladly address your issues and concerns and set up an appointment for you. You may also use our online contact form to set up a virtual consultation.