Can I Sleep On My Belly After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

If you’re a stomach sleeper, you may worry about your quality of sleep after having breast augmentation surgery. Will you need to change your sleeping habits entirely? What if you can’t fall asleep comfortably on your back?

Brunette woman lying on the bed on her stomach after breast augmentation

Luckily, there is no need for you to change your sleeping position permanently after undergoing a breast augmentation. While you should not sleep on your stomach for the first week or so, after your breasts have mostly healed you will be able to go back to stomach sleeping. Of course, you should pay attention to your body, though – if it is uncomfortable for you to sleep on your stomach, that’s a sign that you’re not ready to do it yet.

If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery, please call Dr. Gehaan D’Souza of Iconic Plastic Surgery in Carlsbad at 760-691-5165 today to schedule your consultation.

Why Can’t You Sleep On Your Stomach Right After Breast Surgery?

Technically, you can sleep on your stomach right away after having breast augmentation surgery. However, there are a number of reasons why this might be a bad idea, including:

  • It will probably be painful or uncomfortable for you to put so much pressure on your breasts so soon after surgery
  • There is a small chance that your implants may not settle properly in their pockets if you disturb them by sleeping on your stomach immediately

While we recommend at least trying to sleep on your back for the first few weeks following surgery, don’t worry if you roll over in your sleep and end up on your side or stomach. Lying on your stomach for a few minutes or hours shouldn’t cause any significant complications.

Most patients feel fine sleeping on their sides after just a week or so, while it may take longer to be comfortable on your stomach. Listen to your body, and sleep in whichever position is most comfortable for you.

Will Breast Implants Make It Uncomfortable to Stomach Sleep?

At first, the answer is probably yes. Aside from the potential pain that comes from pressure on your incisions, breast implants are a foreign object that you will need to get used to. Even once you are fully healed, there may still be some discomfort lying on your stomach due to your breasts being larger and firmer.

However, that being said, most women do not find it to be a problem in the long run. Although there may be a period of adjustment, after a while your breasts will feel natural again and you should be able to sleep on them comfortably, just as you did before breast augmentation surgery. Just be patient and give yourself time to adjust.

Dr. D’Souza will give you detailed instructions regarding your breast augmentation recovery, including when it’s okay to start sleeping on your stomach again. He will be available for you throughout every step of your recovery.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

If you are interested in breast augmentation, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. D’Souza by calling 760-691-5165 today to schedule your consultation. We serve patients in Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, and other nearby areas of northern San Diego.