Can I Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

One of the most common questions we get about tummy tucks is whether or not it’s okay to have kids after one. The answer is that it is perfectly safe to have children after a tummy tuck. However, if you do, you will most likely lose your tummy tuck results and need to have revision surgery to get your flat stomach back.

Mother holding child | Tummy Tuck Surgeon San Diego

Dr. D’Souza advises his patients to wait until they are finished having children to undergo tummy tuck surgery. If your family is complete and you are interested in flattening your stomach with a tummy tuck, call us today at 760-691-5165 to schedule your consultation.

When Is The Best Time for a Tummy Tuck?

The best time to have a tummy tuck is around a year or two after having your final child. Your body needs time to heal and recover from childbirth, and you need enough time to lose most of your baby weight before having elective surgery. It is usually not a good idea to try to have tummy tuck surgery within 6 months of childbirth. In most cases, you should wait at least a year.

Things to consider before having a tummy tuck include:

  • Have you lost most of your baby weight?
  • Do you have someone who can help you look after your baby?
  • Are you planning on having any more children?

The closer you are to your ideal weight, the better your tummy tuck results will be. In addition, in order to maintain your results, you need to be at a stable weight that you can realistically stay at or near. Most women are able to lose the majority of their baby weight within a few years, and need a tummy tuck to help repair their abdominal muscles and get rid of excess skin and fat.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a tummy tuck requires a fairly lengthy recovery period. During your recovery time, you will not be able to look after an infant or small child by yourself. Make sure you have a relative or trusted nanny who can help you with your children and household chores while you rest and recover.

What If I’m Not Sure I Want Kids?

If you are interested in a tummy tuck but are not sure if you want to have more children in the future, then you may want to consider going ahead and having the surgery. There are no health risks to having a child after a tummy tuck, so you may want to enjoy the benefits of one for many years before deciding to have another child later in life.

Some women decide to have a tummy tuck despite knowing that they want to have more children in the future, because they think the immediate benefit is worth the risk of needing revision surgery in the future. It’s completely up to you, and we strongly encourage you to discuss this issue with Dr. D’Souza during your consultation.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Consultation Today

Schedule your free tummy tuck consultation with Dr. D’Souza today by calling 760-691-5165. We serve patients in Carlsbad, Oceanside, and other nearby areas of northern San Diego.