Breast Procedures for the Holidays – Top Ways to Look Your Best

The holiday season is perfect for many things, including roasting chestnuts or cozying up in front of the fireplace. That being said, there is one more thing that the holidays are popular for: cosmetic surgery. About one percent of the female population in the US has received breast implants, with many others getting at least some sort of correction in the chest area.

You want to look your best during the holidays, so which breast procedure should you go for? The answer depends on your needs. You have to consider the shape of your breasts, their condition, and your availability to go through the recovery. In this blog, we will talk about different breast procedures that you can undergo this season.

Why Should You Have a Breast Implant During the Holiday Season?

There are various reasons why breast implants are popular to get during the holiday season. The first and most important one is that you usually get time off, as many offices are closed for several days in both November and December. This means that you will have the necessary time to recover without having to sacrifice too many of your leave days.

The holiday season is also sweater season, meaning that your recovery side effects will no longer be as obvious. You can hide potential bruises and swelling underneath a sweater, aiding in discrete healing. Plus, breast procedures may require you to wear a compression garment afterward, which can be more comfortable to do during the holiday season.

Breast Procedures to Consider

There are different types of breast procedures that we offer this holiday season, including the following:

1. Breast Augmentation

If you are not happy with the size of your breasts, augmentation procedures might be exactly what you are looking for. There are two options for you: traditional breast augmentation and rapid recovery breast augmentation. The first option is easier to go through but may require several weeks of recovery, after which the results are permanent. The rapid recovery option is slightly more complex, but the side effects are less evident and you can enjoy the results a lot faster.

2. Breast Lift

Natural aging can cause your skin to lose its elasticity, the effect being mostly visible on your breasts. With a breast lift, the excess skin is removed until your breasts look perky, countering the sagging effect. Recovery can last for a couple of weeks, during which you might be required to wear a chest compression. Depending on your preferences, this procedure may also be accompanied by breast augmentation.

3. Breast Implant Removal

Breast implants can bring beautiful results, but there may be times when you decide to have them removed. Perhaps you want a different shape for your breasts now, or your implants have been there for long enough to require a replacement. In this case, Dr. D’Souza will use a series of techniques to remove the implants without any visible scarring. Recovery usually takes about seven to 10 days, after which you should be able to return to your daily activities.

4. Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is not only reserved for those with breast implants who want to have them removed. Some women may be naturally endowed, to the point where it causes them physical pain (i.e., neck and back aches, under-breast irritation, etc.). Breast reduction involves removing excess skin and breast tissue until your breasts reach the desired size. Recovery can last for a couple of weeks, but the results can be long lasting.

5. Gynecomastia Surgery

Women are not the only ones facing problems with the way their breasts look. An average of 30 percent of men also experience these issues, usually in the form of gynecomastia. Hormonal issues or excess weight can lead to something referred to as “male breasts,” which can easily be fixed through gynecomastia surgery. You may be swollen, sore, and bruised for the next few days or weeks, but with a correct lifestyle, the results can be permanent.

Look Your Best With Iconic Plastic Surgery!

Breast procedures represent the best way for you to meet the holiday season on a positive note. You just have to find the procedure that works best for you. Contact Iconic Plastic Surgery and get an appointment for a breast job!


For more information about different breast procedures, you can contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. We would be very happy to clear any of your questions so that you may have peace of mind. As an alternative, you can fill out our online contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.