Your Guide to the Tummy Tuck: What to Know Before Surgery

Certain actions or life events may leave you with a tummy shape that you are not very happy about. For instance, significant weight loss or pregnancy can leave you with a lot of loose skin, which never seems to bounce back. You keep diets, and you exercise, but the skin keeps bouncing alongside you.

A total of 207,262 tummy tucks were done in 2022 in the United States, putting the procedure just under breast augmentation in terms of popularity. Being as informed and prepared as possible can help you get the best results and have the speediest of recoveries. In this blog, you will find out more about the tummy tuck and the things you should know before undergoing surgery.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery, also referred to as abdominoplasty, is a procedure in which excess skin is removed from your tummy, restoring its contour. During this procedure, excess fat is also eliminated while the separated abdominal muscles are repaired. The surgery offers a tightening effect on your tummy, reducing sagging skin.

There are various reasons why excess skin and torn or weakened abdominal muscles can appear. A common cause is pregnancy, which makes your skin stretch to great amounts to accommodate the baby. Dramatic weight loss that happens too fast can also lead to sagging skin on your stomach, as the tissue cannot keep up with the fat loss. 

Who Should Get a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tucks can be potentially life-changing procedures for many people, but not everyone should go in for this type of surgery. To be a candidate, you need to have excess skin on your tummy area as a result of pregnancy or significant weight loss. If the excess skin did not respond to diet or exercise, then you may also be considered a good tummy tuck candidate. 

Additionally, ideal candidates should be near their ideal weight to achieve desired results. Tummy tuck surgery is not a solution for weight loss, as it mainly deals with excess skin. While liposuction is often used during a tummy tuck, fluctuating weight may cause your results to be compromised in the long run. If you are on a weight loss journey, you may want to schedule the tummy tuck once you’ve reached your goal weight. 

Things to Do Before a Tummy Tuck

There are several things to keep in mind before a tummy tuck. Here are some do’s and don’ts you should follow before undergoing the procedure: 

  • DO Create a Support System: After the tummy tuck, you will likely have an extensive recovery to go through, so enlist a few friends or family members to help you.
  • DON’T Smoke: Smoking can lead to poor healing, so it is recommended that you stop at least two weeks before the procedure.
  • DO Follow a Healthy Diet: A protein-rich diet can help your recovery process, which is why you should start it one month before the procedure and continue for a couple of weeks after, if not forever!
  • DON’T Follow Crash Diets: Crash diets can lead to loose skin, which is why you should consider maintaining a stable weight before undergoing the procedure.

Each patient is different; scheduling a consultation with Dr. D’Souza beforehand can be very helpful and informative for any surgery or treatment you decide to undergo. He can tell you all the preparatory steps that you need to take before you undergo the surgery. For instance, if you are taking any kind of medicine that might compromise the results, Dr. D’Souza might recommend you stop them. 

Better Body Contour With Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck is a great procedure for restoring the contour of your body. It can reduce excess skin and offer your entire abdominal area a lift, making you more confident in your own skin. Call Iconic Plastic Surgery right now and schedule a tummy tuck with Dr. D’Souza.
For more information about tummy tuck surgery, you can contact Iconic Plastic Surgery at 760-637-5288. Dr. D’Souza would be more than happy to provide you with all the information that you need. Alternatively, you can use our contact form to get in touch with us, and we will help set up a virtual consultation.